Introduction. The name of each listed species is followed by up to five sources that report the species as occurring in Michigan. Sources in all upper-case letters refer to specific insect collections: MSU-ARC refers to material held by the Michigan State University Arthropod Research Collection (data provided by G. Parsons). All others refer to collection data extracted from the Symbiota Collections of Arthropods Network (SCAN) database online at See the Methods page for a list of abbreviations and associated collections.
Species names preceded by a single '?' are considered probable (for occurring in Michigan) but uncertain records. Those preceded by '??' are considered possible but unlikely to occur in Michigan. Species that are fully accepted as having valid Michigan records are unmarked. Species reported in the literature that we consider to be erroneous Michigan records are in a separate list following the others.
Euconnus is a very large difficult genus with many undescribed species. Specific identification often requires examination of the genitalia, which we have not done for any of the MSU-ARC specimens, thus all of those IDs must be considered tentative.
4 tribes, 8 genera, 47 species
Tribe Eutheiini
?Eutheia scitula Mäklin, 1852: Hubbard and Schwarz (1878)
Tribe Glandulariini
Brachycepsis pubipennis (Casey, 1897): Ruesink and Parsons (2023b), MSU-ARC; PA in D&A
?Brachycepsis subpunctatus (LeConte, 1852): Leng (1920); type loc. "Lake Superior & St. Mary's River"
??Delius robustulus Casey, 1897: Downie and Arnett (1996); described from western Pennsylvania
Euconnus acuminatus Stephan & Chandler, 2020: Stephen et al. (2020)
?Euconnus affinis Casey, 1897: Ruesink and Parsons (2023b), MSU-ARC; possibly E. nigrescens instead
??Euconnus analis (LeConte, 1852): Hubbard and Schwarz (1878) as Scydmaenus analis Lec.; should not be this far north per Stephens et al.
Euconnus borealis Stephan & O’Keefe, 2020: Stephen et al. (2020)
Euconnus brevicornis (Say, 1824): Stephen et al. (2020)
Euconnus capillosulus (LeConte, 1852): Stephen et al. (2020), Hubbard and Schwarz (1878), Casey (1897), MSU-ARC
Euconnus caseyi Csiki, 1919: Stephen et al. (2020)
?Euconnus cavipennis Casey, 1897: Downie and Arnett (1996)
Euconnus centralis Stephan & Chandler, 2020: Stephen et al. (2020)
Euconnus clavicornis (Casey, 1897): Stephen et al. (2020)
Euconnus clavipes (Say, 1824): Hubbard and Schwarz (1878), Casey (1897), Downie & Arnett 1996, MSU-ARC
Euconnus comptus (Casey, 1897): Stephen et al. (2020)
??Euconnus consobrinus (LeConte, 1852): Hubbard and Schwarz (1878) as Scydmaenus consobrinus Lec.; known only from NY
Euconnus fatuus (LeConte, 1852): Hubbard and Schwarz (1878), Ruesink and Parsons (2023b), MSU-ARC
Euconnus femoralis (Casey, 1897): Casey (1897), Stephen et al. (2020), Leng (1920), Downie and Arnett (1996); Casey mentioned MI specimens when he described this species
Euconnus flavitarsis (LeConte, 1852): Stephen et al. (2020), Leng (1920), Hubbard and Schwarz (1878), Downie and Arnett (1996), MSU-ARC
Euconnus frontosus Csiki, 1919: Stephen et al. (2020)
Euconnus hirtellus (LeConte, 1852): Stephen et al. (2020)
Euconnus illustris (Casey, 1897): Stephen et al. (2020)
Euconnus infirmus Csiki, 1919: Leng (1920), Casey (1897), Downie and Arnett (1996), MSU-ARC
Euconnus lecontei (Schaufuss, 1866): Hubbard and Schwarz (1878), Casey (1897), Downie & Arnett 1996, MSU-ARC
Euconnus ludificans (Casey, 1897): Ruesink and Parsons (2023b), MSU-ARC; also reported from IL, WI, ON, etc., by Stephen et al. (2020)
Euconnus lynceus (Casey, 1897): Stephen et al. (2020)
?Euconnus occultus Casey, 1897: Downie and Arnett (1996), MSU-ARC?; ID of MSU specimen uncertain--could be cavipennis
Euconnus quercavus Stephan & Chandler, 2020: Stephen et al. (2020)
Euconnus rasus (LeConte, 1852): Hubbard and Schwarz (1878), Ruesink and Parsons (2023b), MSU-ARC
Euconnus salinator (LeConte, 1852): Hubbard and Schwarz (1878), Ruesink and Parsons (2023b), MSU-ARC
Euconnus separatus Stephan & Chandler, 2020: Stephen et al. (2020)
Euconnus testaceipes (Casey, 1897): Stephen et al. (2020)
Euconnus trifidus (Casey, 1897): Stephen et al. (2020), MSU-ARC
Euconnus trinifer (Casey, 1897): Stephen et al. (2020)
Euconnus trivialis (Casey, 1897): Stephen et al. (2020)
?Microscydmus caseyi O'Keefe, 1998: Downie and Arnett (1996)
?Microscydmus misellus (LeConte, 1852): Downie and Arnett (1996)
Stenichnus badius (Casey, 1897): Ruesink and Parsons (2023b), MSU-ARC
?Stenichnus cribrarius (LeConte, 1852): Downie and Arnett (1996)
Stenichnus perforatus (Schaum, 1841): Ruesink and Parsons (2023b), MSU-ARC
Tribe Leptoscydmini
?Leptoscydmus caseyi (Brendel, 1893): Downie and Arnett (1996)
Tribe Scydmaenini
?Scydmaenus grossus (LeConte, 1863): Downie and Arnett (1996)
??Scydmaenus motschulskii (LeConte, 1863): Hatch (1925) as Eumicrus motschulskii (Lec.)
Scydmaenus ochreatus (Casey, 1897): Downie and Arnett (1996), MSU-ARC
?Scydmaenus retrusus (Casey, 1897): Downie and Arnett (1996)
Scydmaenus zimmermanni Schaum, 1841: Hubbard and Schwarz (1878), Downie and Arnett (1996); Casey type for syn. (E. punctatus) from Ann Arbor
The following species were also reported from Michigan, but we consider them to be adventive, misidentifications or other errors:
Tribe Glandulariini
Euconnus fulvus (LeConte, 1852): Hubbard and Schwarz (1878) as Scydmaenus fulvus Lec.; they prob. had trifidus as fulvus is an east coast sp.
Euconnus magister (LeConte, 1863): Hubbard and Schwarz (1878) as Scydmaenus magister Lec.; a SE sp.; should not be in MI
This family list was last updated: April 28, 2023